ORIGIN Old English wilcumaa person whose coming is pleasing,wilcumian(verb), from wil-desire, pleasure + cumancome The first element was later changed to wel-well, influenced by Old French bien venu or Old Norse velkominn.


Welcome to www.meridianjohnson.com

If you've found yourself here it's probably because you know and seek the pleasure of INSPIRATION. (ORIGIN Middle English (in the sense divine guidance): via Old Frenchfrom late Latin inspiratio(n-), from the verb inspirare (see inspire). 

My goal in creating this space is to offer a mirror, a reflective image of my own AUTHENTICITY so that you, too, can see your own. (ORIGIN late Middle English: via Old French from late Latin authenticus, from Greek authentikos principal, genuine.

A great teacher of mine once said, shortly before passing, "It's all about happiness. Life is all about HAPPINESS. That's all it is!"(ORIGIN Middle English (in the sense lucky): from the noun hap-y1.) 

I have contemplated this for a few years now, sometimes doubtingly. My conclusion: why not act as if this is true? As a result my life has changed dramatically. Everyday I have a choice to explore life as a MIRACLE (or not). (ORIGIN Middle English: via Old French from Latin miraculum object of wonder, from mirari to wonder, from mirus wonderful.

I seek this miracle of living in my writing, and not by excluding that which is difficult, challenging, ugly, crude, or ruinous. I live by the map of my heart. I imagine, that because you are here, you do too.

Meridian Johnson, February 2015